Thursday, June 14, 2007


"Good Afturhnewn, welcome to Marikina City Hall!"

The greeting from the ever-so-enthusiastic receptionist that used to brighten the otherwise boring PLEB afternoons my OLA partner and I spent in the Marikina City Hall. And now, that ever-so enthusiastic receptionist is working here in my office building as the head of lobby security (if there's such post. Haha.)

Every time I pass by the "chief" (as he is called by the people in the office) I always get a highly-energized greeting. (The greetings are soooo energized, the whole lobby can hear him. Hehehe.) Some of my officemates think he's annoying, but I think he's funny... Hell, our PLEB hearings in Marikina City Hall would have been exceptionally dreadful if it weren't for his animated greetings.

To chief, good afturhnewn to you too. ;-) Hehehe.

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